Dear Colleagues,

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the International Symposium on the Centenary of the Ardahan Congresses that will be held in Ardahan on February 20-22, 2019. We would be greatly honoured by your presence in the event which will be hosted by Ardahan University. The Congresses held in Ardahan on January 3-5 and 7-9,1919 will be covered as the symposium theme. Furthermore, we aim at investigating the events unfolded in the region in that regard. It is firmly believed that your paper will significantly contribute to the world history as well as the Turkish history. In addition, your precious accumulated knowledge on the issue will shed light on the further studies. All abstract must be submitted via e-mail at by December 20,2018.

Sincerely yours,

The Chair of the Symposium Organization Committee: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makbule Sarıkaya
Ardahan University
Faculty of Humanities and Letters
History Department, Yenisey Campus, ARDAHAN

Ardahan Congresses and Ardahan: events, process, figures
Significance, effects and articles of the Ardahan Congresses
National Shura Governments (Temporary South-West Caucasus National Government) and Ardahan Congresses
Ardahan Congresses held among those in Elviye-i Selase (three sanjaks area)
Ardahan Congresses in the history of the War of Independence
Economic, sanitary, military, social and administrative structure in Ardahan in the congresses period
The circumstances surrounding the people in Ardahan and aiding facilities
The Russian, British, Armenian and Georgian in the period of the Ardahan congresses
Counties and the Participation from the counties in the congresses period ( Çıldır, Hanak, Göle,Damal,Posof)
Ardahan Congresses in the national and international media and memoirs
Impacts of the Ardahan Congresses on the history of the region, country and world